Tuesday 2 June 2015

Be Worth A Word

Rambling among the thoughts of my own,I stumbled upon the worthiness of the words.

A word of love can fill us within.Ignite body and soul with boundless joy.

A word of support enliven the hopes that have sunken hard.

A word of appreciation urge us to venture those shines beyond the clouds.

A word of assurance potters a seamless future leaving behind the murk past.

And a word of hatred burn us inside.Disgrace the ones who have heard and said.

When on one hand word bring together the hopes and dreams shattered inside ourselves.Elevate the spirit slipped underneath,buried deep in graves of our own.

While on other hand it harms and injures the passion and craving of many desirous souls and kills the little belief in humanity.

So when words can bewitch our lives   then why break a heart.Heal a heart ,save a soul,mend a mind or as many.Let that alone you take pride in.And be a person worth benevolence and fortune .Caste your spell .Let magic spread in the air and in the world around.

pen pal

Monday 15 December 2014

What if,

What and if are the two words as nonthreatening as words can be.But put them side by side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life.The same inspired me to start writing my own blog.In tribute to these unspoken magical words I present my first ever blog writing.

These words were spoken out and about in the film "Letters to Juliet". But living in awake of these words,I now own it.And I want each of you to do the same,feel it in your heart.If you have any sort of dislike towards me repeating the said,then I'm sorry.All I want is to spirit up a new genera living with "endless hope".

I'm not a good writer,but a passionate one.So whatever I write is true from my heart.

For those who have tried hard in life.Trust me,I know it's hard to take these words especially from me, someone unknown.Each day you have said to yourself, "it will be different". And you went on counting days,watching them fall off.Now that you are tired and broken down.I ask you to say 'What If'. 

For those who have started their new venture.I ask  you to always treasure these words in your heart,paving way for endless hopes .Never the fear of failure must stop you from chasing them.Enliven your heart and mind fill them with spirit.And let you be successful in chasing the dream you have treasured your whole life.

If each night ends with shattered hopes and broken hearts,then each morning marks a new beginning and instill new hope. For now we need to create a new era of mighty will  and strong hearts,marking an end to anxious souls moving unguided and broken.Lets pledge to keep a wide happy smile ,imparting life and joy everywhere.Let the same be our prayer and resolution during the Christmas and New year eve.
And finally I say "What If"...................................................................................................................... and you may fill .I convey my wishes for your future ventures.

,Love your
.Pen pal